Aesthetic intervention

Plastic surgery of lower eyelids

Get rid of eye fatigue, significant rejuvenation of the eyes and their surroundings

19.900 CZK

16.900 CZK

Until the end of march!

About intervention

Basic information

A younger
and fresher look

The tired look of the face and eyes disappears

No more
wrinkles or bags

Wrinkles and lines under the eyes will be eliminated

A smile
without fans

Gone are the fans of accumulated skin when you gesticulate or smile


Use of the Surgitron ensures a precise and finer cut

recovery time

Swelling will subside after three days

Process of procedure

The procedure takes place under a local anaesthetic and is therefore painless. The incision is carefully planned just before the procedure, it runs through the line of the eyelashes, afterwards, the doctor removes or spreads fatty sacks and carefully removes excess skin.

The incisions is done with the instrument Surgitron. The small scar is invisible due to the location of the incision, the intradermal stitch and incision with Surgitron.

The procedure lasts about an hour.

Method – Plastic surgery of lower eyelids

The cut of the skin of the lower eyelids runs through the fold line and is done with the surgical instrument Surgitron, which has unique advantages of a classic scalpel.

  • decreasing of swelling after the operation
  • precise and gentle V incision with a concurrent halting of bleeding
  • minimalisation of the formation of scars in the area of lower eyelids


The swelling is mild, there may be slight bruising. The swelling will subside after three days.

An occasional pain that you may feel the first day can be treated with common analgesics, for example Parelen. Apply cold compresses on the eyelids after the first three days after the procedure.

Regardless the weather – bring your sunglasses to the clinic.

TMaintain a resting regime for one week.

Stitches are removed 7 to 9 days after the procedure. After that period you may use make-up.

Procedures that can be conducted concurrently

Plastic surgery of the lower eyelids can be combined with other procedures, thanks to which you can feel even younger and more beautiful. Among those are for example:

  • Plastic surgery of upper eyelids
  • Face lift
  • Mini lift

Price list

The final price will be established by the doctor, based on the range on the agreed upon procedures during the obligation-free consultation. It is possible to pay by cash, money transfer, and unlimited number of gift vouchers. The price of the procedure includes:

Consultation with the plastic surgeon


Local aneasthetic



19.900 CZK

16.900 CZK


Photos Before and After procedure

Mr Jiří, 43 years old

Mr Jiří has nice facial features but his age is showing in his eyes. The fat is gently spread over the lower eyelids by a method not making a scar over the conjunctiva. This makes the eyes look younger but not too stretched out so as not too gain the effect of “piercing eyes”, which may happen with the removal of fat in the lower eyelids.

With men it is necessary to be moderate with the amount of removed skin so that the eyes don’t look to streched out. The result has to be natural and pleasant.

About Arte Clinic

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